Sunday, September 25, 2016

Episode 3: ビールを のみません

よこそ みなさん!!Welcome back to Jake's Fabulous Funtime Blog, today I have a super omega special blog post for you. I'm going to be talking about my weekend. . . but in Korean! jk its going to be in にほんご :3. Well, let's not dilly dally, がくせい、let's get right into the adventure!

せんしゅうまつの きんよおびの ばん じゅうじはんごろ ハリポッタを みました。

でも パーチーを いきませんでした。どよおび の あさ じゅういちじはんごろ おきました。でも あさごはの たべませんでした。ぜんぜん あさごはんを たべません。じゅうにじはんごろ サオスダイニンハールで ひるごはんを たべました。そして フーツバールを みました。ばん J-Squadと じゅういちじごろ フリスビーを しました。

にちよおび りょうで にほんごの しゅくだいを しました。そして  J-Squadと にほんごの べんきょうしました。

It was a pretty exciting weekend :D! The J-Squad sure do know how to have a good time. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed learning more about your favorite Japanese supastar, Jake Berney. I'll see you all next time, with more fascinating tales of love, loss, and heroism. In Japanese!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Episode 2.5: Taka look at my blog :^)

こんばんわ you beautiful Japanese students! There isn't technically a blog post required, but whatever I'm a rebel :P Today I just wanted to point out the fabulous Japanese Rock band, One OK Rock. This legendary rock band is led by frontman "Taka" whose robust vocals compliment the hard and fast paced rhythm set up by the drummer in their songs. If you're a fan of rock music or just Japanese music in general, you should check out One OK rock, you won't be disappointed. I promise :D One OK Rock recently announced that they'll be releasing a new album entirely in English, so if Japanese music isn't your thing maybe, you can eagerly await their new album.
That's all for this brief blog post, I hope you liked it! Until next time, じゃあまた!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Episode 2: A Day in the Life

こんにちは! and welcome back to Jake's fabulous Japanese blog. Wowee, I've been learning so much Japanese since my last post! I've even been caught saying すみません to non Japanese students. . . Anyways, this post will let you get a glimpse into the amazing, unique, and remarkable of life of Jake Berney, action hero, in Japanese!

わたしは りょうで おきます。あまり あさごはんを たべません。まいにち チャイチイ (chai tea)  のみます。クラス きます、まいにち にほんごの クラス きます!! south dining hallで ひるごはんを たべます。わたしも south dining hallで ばんこはんを たべます。りょうで じゅくだいよします。うちで ねます。

Wow, that was pretty exciting. I'm like  a superhero or something I swear. As you can see, my Japanese is like a million times more! And I'm still learning more! After like 5 more blog posts I'll be a Japanese master. Well, until that day I'm still just a にほんごの がくせえ, and I'm enjoying every second of it :D さようなら!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

わたし の じこしょかい!!

よこそ!はじめまして、バーニーです!わたしは あめりかじんです。ノテルダムの  いちねんせいです。せんこは びじねすです。どおぞ よろしく!
Woah, that was a lot more Japanese than last time I posted on here. Woohoo! Japanese is very exciting thus far, there's been so much learning going on. So much Japanese, so little time. Anyways, I think I'll use the rest of this post to talk about some of my favorite Japanese things! Honestly, my first run-ins with Japanese were with anime and video games, and Japanese video games have to be some of the best ever created. Among my favorites are The Legend of Zelda series and the Fire Emblem Series! Both of them were developed by the legendary Japanese company, Nintendo. Nintendo was originally founded as a card playing company in Kyoto! Realizing that making cards wasn't exactly lucrative, the founder decided to switch to electronic hardware - and eventually video game consoles! Nintendo would revolutionize video games by introducing lovable worlds with unique characters and artwork. Games like Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda captured the imagination of millions worldwide and began the world's fascination with electronic games.
Image result for the legend of zelda logo< Seriously this series is a treasure :D

Besides Video Games, I also think the Studio Ghibli and especially Hayao Miyazaki are beautiful filmmakers. All of Miyazaki's movies are masterpieces of art and cinema. They tell such beautiful and unique stories and one can't help but feel a sense of wonder in Miyazaki's worlds. Of all of his films, Howl's Moving Castle is my favorite. Please go see it, if you haven't. It's so good. Like, so so good. A million goods.

Image result for howl's moving castle
Outside of Japanese media, I also really like a lot of Japanese items! I brought back a lot of things back from my trip to Japan. One of my favorite possessions is this large red Daruma I keep on my desk that I bought in Kyoto at the Fushimi Inari Shrine! (Quick Note: Kyoto is my absolute favorite place on planet Earth. The city is so cozy and magical, one can't help but walk the streets smiling) Daruma are wooden dolls that are modeled after the Bodhidharma, the founder of Zen Buddhism. They're strangely cute :3 They're usually given as gifts since they represent good luck!

Image result for daruma

Seriously, look at them! Okay, that's enough for one blog post. I'll be back soon! Probably in a week! Who knows! Until our next time, stay healthy. さよなら!